Silke and Kieran - Love and Adventure

She loves moonlight
And Rainstorms
And so many other things
That have Soul

I walk my dog Rosie and do a bit of yoga in the early morning, its pretty quiet down the beach at that time and its a beautiful way to begin the day.
Silke and Keiran had skateboarded past me on about 3  different occasions and each time I could hear them laughing and see this beautiful chemistry bubbling out of  them.. young love at its best. The 4th time I decided to flag them down.. flailing my arms madly, (like only a photographer does, intent on meeting inspiring free spirited humans ) A few days later we hung out for breakfast, that turned into brunch  and they told me  the story so  far.

Both contemporary dancers, with the Jasmin Vardimon Contemporary Dance company and newly resident  for  training at the Iab facility in Sitges
They actually met when they landed in Sitges and found themselves part of the 8 dancer cast for the new production Medusa soon to go on tour.  Kieran had seen a performance from the company  four  years before and had majorly crushed on the female dancer he saw on stage.  Four years on and crush becomes girlfriend of course :-)

These  too have the most contagiously good vibe , I am always eyes wide open and feeling out  for people that are  full of spirit, curiosity and light. Taking images ABOUT people instead of OF people is something I am always striving for and it  becomes less difficult when  a person can be open and honest and love is so present in such an intimate way.

There passion for veganism, nature and travel, music, skating, morning swims  and there dreams of living in a van I like to think are all  there own beautiful expressions  of something much deeper, that thing you feel inside yourself sometimes and recognize in others .. That thing that needs to take on a form in order to be expressed..some might feel it s an  urge to be free, others might say its  simply boundless abundant love expressing itself.

 Why am I passionate about taking pictures of what love looks likes?  I guess the same reason I spent a lot of my life through yoga, travel and meditation inquiring into human nature, life and Love.
Perhaps images like these can nudge us into remembering that what is  essential to live with deep satisfaction is connection and sensitivity with ourselves and others and the world around us. 

Thankyou to Silke and Keiran for dropping love bombs wherever they go.

 Its always and only about the love XXX